An Stoirm – The Storm :: Gaeilge / Irish

This learn Irish article is related to an article on RTÉ anseo

Note: Try to identify all nouns in the following text.

An Stoirm

Tá alt againn faoin scrios a dhéanann stoirmeacha ó RTÉ anseo.

Tá daoine in oirthear Chorcaí agus in iarthar Phort Láirge ag dul i ngleic inniu le lorg na stoirme a bhuail an réigiún inné agus a d’fhág neart bailte agus sráidbhailte faoi uisce.

Cé go raibh fógra flannbhuí eisithe ag Met Éireann inné agus báisteach throm geallta acu, ní raibh aon choinne ag daoine leis an tréine a bhí inti.

Meastar, go deimhin, gur thit báisteach míosa in imeacht lae.


An Stoirm

The Storm

Tá alt againn faoin scrios a dhéanann stoirmeacha ó RTÉ anseo.

We have an article about the destructive power of storms from RTÉ here.

Tá daoine in oirthear Chorcaí agus in iarthar Phort Láirge ag dul i ngleic inniu le lorg na stoirme a bhuail an réigiún inné agus a d’fhág neart bailte agus sráidbhailte faoi uisce.

People in east Cork and west Waterford are today dealing with the mark of the storm which hit the region yesterday and left plenty of towns and villages under water.

Cé go raibh fógra flannbhuí eisithe ag Met Éireann inné agus báisteach throm geallta acu, ní raibh aon choinne ag daoine leis an tréine a bhí inti.

Even though an orange notice was issued by Met Éireann yesterday with heavy rain promised by them, people weren’t expecting her strength.

Meastar, go deimhin, gur thit báisteach míosa in imeacht lae.

It is estimated, in actual fact, that a month’s rain fell in the course of a day. 


Vocabulary is a breakdown of Irish syntax showing individual words that can be used on their own or a combination of words that must be grouped together to form a phrase.

An Stoirm

The Storm

Tá alt againn

We have an article

faoin scrios a dhéanann stoirmeacha

about the destructive power of storms

ó RTÉ anseo.

from RTÉ here.

Tá daoine in oirthear Chorcaí agus in iarthar Phort Láirge

People in east Cork and west Waterford are

ag dul i ngleic inniu

today dealing



lorg na stoirme

the mark of the storm

a bhuail an réigiún

which hit the region





a d’fhág neart bailte

left plenty of towns



sráidbhailte faoi uisce.

villages under water.

Cé go raibh

Even though

fógra flannbhuí eisithe

an orange notice was issued

ag Met Éireann

by Met Éireann





báisteach throm geallta acu,

heavy rain promised by them,

ní raibh aon choinne ag daoine leis an tréine a bhí inti.

people weren’t expecting her strength.


It is estimated,

go deimhin,

In actual fact,

gur thit báisteach míosa

that a month’s rain fell

in imeacht lae.

in the course of a day.

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