Smuigleáil Drugaí – Drug Smuggling

This article is related to an article on Nuacht RTÉ

Note: Try to identify all nouns in the following text.

Smuigleáil Drugaí

Bhí físeán suimiúil sna meáin le déanaí.

Bhí sé cosúil le radharc ó scannán aicsin.

De réir ailt a bhaineann le Nuacht RTÉ:

Ghabh na húdaráis seilbh ar lastlong sa Mhuir Cheilteach inniu mar chuid d’fhiosrúchán faoi smuigleáil trasnáisiúnta drugaí.

Chuaigh na húdaráis ar bord na loinge amach ó chósta Chorcaí nuair nár ghlac an criú le treoir uathu.

Deir na Gardaí go bhfuil lear mór drugaí ar bord na loinge, an MV Matthew, atá cláraithe i bPanama.

Bhí triúr fear ar an long gafa agus tá siad á gceistiú i stáisiúin Ghardaí

Seasca (60), caoga (50), agus tríocha a haon (31) bliain d’aois atá an triúr fear. Coinneoidh muid súil ghéar ar an scéal seo.


Smuigleáil Drugaí

Drug Smuggling

Bhí físeán suimiúil sna meáin le déanaí.

There was an interesting video in the media recently.

Bhí sé cosúil le radharc ó scannán aicsin.

It was like a scene from an action movie.

De réir ailt a bhaineann le Nuacht RTÉ:

According to an article relating to RTÉ News:

Ghabh na húdaráis seilbh ar lastlong sa Mhuir Cheilteach inniu mar chuid d’fhiosrúchán faoi smuigleáil trasnáisiúnta drugaí.

The authorities seized a cargo ship in the Celtic Sea today as part of an inquiry about transnational drug smuggling.

Chuaigh na húdaráis ar bord na loinge amach ó chósta Chorcaí nuair nár ghlac an criú le treoir uathu.

The authorities boarded the ship off the coast of cork when the crew did not take direction from them.

Deir na Gardaí go bhfuil lear mór drugaí ar bord na loinge, an MV Matthew, atá cláraithe i bPanama.

The Gardai say that there are many drugs on board the ship, the MV Matthew, which is registered in Panama.

Bhí triúr fear ar an long gafa agus tá siad á gceistiú i stáisiúin Ghardaí.

Three men who were on the ship were arrested and they are being questioned in Garda stations.

Seasca (60), caoga (50), agus tríocha a haon (31) bliain d’aois atá an triúr fear.

The three men are sixty (60), fifty (50), and thirty-one (31) years old.

Coinneoidh muid súil ghéar ar an scéal seo.

We will keep a close eye on this story.


Vocabulary is a breakdown of Irish syntax showing individual words that can be used on their own or a combination of words that must be grouped together to form a phrase.

Smuigleáil Drugaí

Drug Smuggling

Bhí físeán suimiúil

There was an interesting video

sna meáin

in the media

le déanaí.


Bhí sé

It was

cosúil le radharc 

like a scene

ó scannán aicsin.

from an action movie.

De réir ailt

According to an article

a bhaineann le Nuacht RTÉ:

relating to RTÉ News:

Ghabh na húdaráis seilbh ar lastlong

The authorities seized a cargo ship

sa Mhuir Cheilteach

in the Celtic Sea



mar chuid d’fhiosrúchán

as part of an inquiry

faoi smuigleáil trasnáisiúnta drugaí.

into transnational drug smuggling.

Chuaigh na húdaráis ar bord na loinge

The authorities boarded the ship

amach ó chósta Chorcaí

off the coast of cork

nuair nár ghlac an criú le

when the crew did not take




from them.

Deir na Gardaí

The Gardai say

go bhfuil lear mór drugaí

that there are many drugs

ar bord na loinge,

on board the ship,

an MV Matthew,

the MV Matthew,

atá cláraithe

which is registered

i bPanama.

in Panama.

Bhí triúr fear ar an long gafa

Three men who were on the ship were arrested



tá siad á gceistiú

they are being questioned

i stáisiúin Ghardaí

in Garda stations.

Seasca (60), caoga (50), agus tríocha a haon (31) bliain d’aois atá an triúr fear.

The three men are sixty (60), fifty (50), and thirty-one (31) years old.

Coinneoidh muid

We will keep

súil ghéar

a close eye

ar an scéal seo.

on this story.

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