Lios Loch Lao

This article is related to an article on Nós

Note: Try to identify all nouns in the following text.

Lios Loch Lao:

Go ginearálta bíonn drochscéala ann maidir leis an nGaeilge.

Ach inniu tá dea-scéal ann de réir Nós.

lonnaíocht nua Ghaeilge beartaithe do Bhéal Feirste.

Tá luachanna bunaithe an Chumainn aontaithe agus is iad sin ná:

– An Ghaeilge a úsáid agus a chur chun cinn i ngach gné de shaol an Phobail;

– A bheith airdeallach ar an timpeallacht;

– Deiseanna a thabhairt do dhaoine fanacht sna hárasáin le heispéireas shaol na Gaeilge a bhlaiseadh;

– Gníomhaíochtaí comónta a ghlacadh, de réir mar atá deiseanna ann, chun Gaelphobal Feirste a neartú;

– Cinntiú go bhfuil an prionsabal um chóir chomhionann i gcroílár shaol phobal na lonnaíochta.


Lios Loch Lao:

Lios Loch Lao:

Go ginearálta bíonn drochscéala ann maidir leis an nGaeilge.

Generally, there is bad news regarding the Irish language.

Ach inniu tá dea-scéal ann de réir Nós.

But today there is good news according to Nós.

lonnaíocht nua Ghaeilge beartaithe do Bhéal Feirste.

A new Irish settlement planned for Belfast.

Tá luachanna bunaithe an Chumainn aontaithe agus is iad sin ná:

The founding values of the Society are united and they are:

– An Ghaeilge a úsáid agus a chur chun cinn i ngach gné de shaol an Phobail;

– To use and promote the Irish language in all aspects of Community life;

– A bheith airdeallach ar an timpeallacht;

– To be alert to the environment;

– Deiseanna a thabhairt do dhaoine fanacht sna hárasáin le heispéireas shaol na Gaeilge a bhlaiseadh;

– To give opportunities to people staying in the apartments to experience tasting the life of the Irish language;

– Gníomhaíochtaí comónta a ghlacadh, de réir mar atá deiseanna ann, chun Gaelphobal Feirste a neartú;

– To take common activities, as there are opportunities, to strengthen Gaelphobal Feirste;

– Cinntiú go bhfuil an prionsabal um chóir chomhionann i gcroílár shaol phobal na lonnaíochta.

– Ensuring that the principle of equal treatment is at the heart of community life of the settlement.


Vocabulary is a breakdown of Irish syntax showing individual words that can be used on their own or a combination of words that must be grouped together to form a phrase.

Lios Loch Lao:

Lios Loch Lao:

Go ginearálta


bíonn drochscéala ann

there is bad news

maidir leis an nGaeilge.

regarding the Irish language.





tá dea-scéal ann

there is good news

de réir Nós.

according to Nós.

lonnaíocht nua Ghaeilge

A new Irish settlement



do Bhéal Feirste.

for Belfast.

Tá luachanna bunaithe an Chumainn

The founding values of the Society are



agus is iad sin ná:

and they are:

– An Ghaeilge a úsáid agus a chur chun cinn

– To use and promote the Irish language

i ngach gné

in all aspects

de shaol an Phobail;

of Community life;

– A bheith airdeallach

– To be alert

ar an timpeallacht;

to the environment;

– Deiseanna a thabhairt

To give opportunities

do dhaoine fanacht

to people staying

sna hárasáin

in the apartments

le heispéireas

to experience

shaol na Gaeilge a bhlaiseadh;

tasting the life of the Irish language;

– Gníomhaíochtaí comónta a ghlacadh,

– To take common activities,

de réir mar atá deiseanna ann,

as there are opportunities,

chun Gaelphobal Feirste a neartú;

to strengthen Gaelphobal Feirste;

– Cinntiú

– Ensuring

go bhfuil an prionsabal um chóir chomhionann

that the principle of equal treatment is

i gcroílár shaol phobal na lonnaíochta.

at the heart of community life of the settlement.

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