Agóidí Dála – Dáil Protests

This article is related to an article on Nuacht RTÉ

Note: Try to identify all nouns in the following text.

Agóidí Dála

Bhí an-teannas ann taobh amuigh den Dáil an tseachtain seo caite de réir Nuacht RTÉ.

Radharcanna ‘náireacha’ os comhair na Dála le déanaí.

Dúirt Helen McEntee nach raibh ‘ áit ar bith sa daonlathas’ don chineál sin iompair.

Níorbh fhéidir le roinnt teachtaí Dála agus baill foirne Tithe an Oireachtais a fhágáil ar feadh roinnt uaireanta a chloig inné de bharr na heachtra.

Dúirt Helen McEntee go ndéanfadh an Rialtas cearta daoine chun agóide síochánta a chosaint.

Ach dúirt sí freisin, gur imeaglú agus bagairt a bhí ar bun inné in aghaidh ionadaithe tofa agus baill den Gharda Síochána agus iad i mbun a gcuid oibre ar son an phobail agus an Stáit.


Agóidí Dála

Dáil Protests

Bhí an-teannas ann taobh amuigh den Dáil an tseachtain seo caite de réir Nuacht RTÉ.

It was a very tense situation outside of the Dáil last week according to Nuacht RTÉ.

Radharcanna ‘náireacha’ os comhair na Dála le déanaí.

‘Disgraceful’ scenes in front of the Dáil recently.

Dúirt Helen McEntee nach raibh ‘ áit ar bith sa daonlathas’ don chineál sin iompair.

Helen McEntee said there was ‘no place in a democracy’ for that kind of behaviour.

Níorbh fhéidir le roinnt teachtaí Dála agus baill foirne Tithe an Oireachtais a fhágáil ar feadh roinnt uaireanta a chloig inné de bharr na heachtra.

Several Dáil deputies and staff members were unable to leave the Houses of the Oireachtas for several hours yesterday due to the incident.

Dúirt Helen McEntee go ndéanfadh an Rialtas cearta daoine chun agóide síochánta a chosaint.

Helen McEntee said that the Government would protect the rights of people to protest peacefully.

Ach dúirt sí freisin, gur imeaglú agus bagairt a bhí ar bun inné in aghaidh ionadaithe tofa agus baill den Gharda Síochána agus iad i mbun a gcuid oibre ar son an phobail agus an Stáit.

But she also said that there was intimidation and threats against elected representatives and members of the Garda Síochána while they were doing their work for the community and the State.


Vocabulary is a breakdown of Irish syntax showing individual words that can be used on their own or a combination of words that must be grouped together to form a phrase.

Agóidí Dála

Dáil Protests

Bhí an-teannas ann

It was a very tense situation

taobh amuigh den Dáil

outside of the Dáil

an tseachtain seo caite

last week

de réir Nuacht RTÉ.

according to Nuacht RTÉ.

Radharcanna ‘náireacha’

Disgraceful ‘scenes’

os comhair na Dála

in front of the Dáil

le déanaí.


Dúirt Helen McEntee

Helen McEntee said

nach raibh

there wasn’t

‘áit ar bith sa daonlathas’

‘any place in a democracy’

don chineál sin iompair.

for that kind of behaviour.

Níorbh fhéidir le roinnt teachtaí Dála agus baill foirne Tithe an Oireachtais a fhágáil

Several Dáil deputies and staff members were unable to leave the Houses of the Oireachtas

ar feadh roinnt uaireanta a’ chloig

for several hours



de bharr na heachtra.

due to the incident.

Dúirt Helen McEntee

Helen McEntee said

go ndéanfadh an Rialtas

that the Government would

cearta daoine chun agóide síochánta a chosaint.

protect the rights of people to protest peacefully.

Ach dúirt sí freisin,

But she also said

gur imeaglú

that there was intimidation





in aghaidh ionadaithe tofa

against elected representatives



baill den Gharda Síochána

members of the Garda Síochána

agus iad i mbun a gcuid oibre

while they were doing their work

ar son an phobail

for the community



an Stáit.

the State.

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